I'm on page 58 of this book i started reading it on the train today and i already love it. so far i think the advice is super solid, I'm learning about stocks that pay big dividends which i'm really into. I like the idea of making money from stocks with out having to sell them. Right now i'm thinking about buying Heinz stock cause i love there ketchup and they pay big dividends. i've just got to waiting for the market to crash or something so i can afford buy lots of it. my camera is still flipping around books titles because it is so ashamed that all i read is books about building WEALTH! i haven't read a fiction book in years. why would want to read about stuff that's not even real, how can i use harry potters magic stone to INCREASE MY PROFITS!
currently the stocks Christmas on my wish list are
1. Google, (i want this but its so expensive but i love google so so so so much, i mean look i use blogger and chrome)
2. Apple ( too expensive, hopefully there next product will suck balls and there stock will drop and i can buy some.)
3. Heinz I'm gonna look at them more as a company before i make any choices but this is a stock i can actually afford and will pay me sweet dividends.
that's all i can think of right now but more will come soon.
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