Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I've been reading about and looking up stocks like a mad man lately. One thing that has really caught my interest are REIT's. Real Estate Investment Trusts, i've always wanted to buy property to rent out, but i've never had the money to but a building in new york city... ha ha ha. The cool things about Reit's is that they don't pay a corporate tax because they pay out a 90% dividend which i really really like. one of my dreams is to own enough high dividend stock i could live off the dividends.  do to how battered the real estate market is i think that i will be able to get some of these at a good price. I like land because they aren't making any more of it, and no matter how poor people get they have to live some where.  i am looking at Reits that own old folks homes and long term care buildings because there are gonna be alot of old people soon and i want to profit off it. ha ha ha

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio I LOVE THIS BOOK

I'm on page 58 of this book i started reading it on the train today and i already love it. so far i think the advice is super solid, I'm learning about stocks that pay big dividends which i'm really into. I like the idea of making money from stocks with out having to sell them. Right now i'm thinking about buying Heinz stock cause i love there ketchup and they pay big dividends. i've just got to waiting for the market to crash or something so i can afford buy lots of it. my camera is still flipping around books titles because it is so ashamed that all i read is books about building WEALTH! i haven't read a fiction book in years. why would want to read about stuff that's not even real, how can i use harry potters magic stone to INCREASE MY PROFITS!

 currently the stocks Christmas on my wish list are

1. Google, (i want this but its so expensive but i love google so so so so much, i mean look i use blogger and chrome)

2. Apple ( too expensive, hopefully there next product will suck balls and there stock will drop and i can buy some.)

3. Heinz I'm gonna look at them more as a company before i make any choices but this is a stock i can actually afford and will pay me sweet dividends.

that's all i can think of right now but more will come soon.

The advantage of an hour commute

Three days a week I make the journey from my little apartment in woodside queens to cold spring harbor long island. On this trip I will take a train to an another train to a shuttle van to then be picked up by a kind co worker. It's about an hour and ten minutes each way... When the long island railroad is being kind. Alot of people say "wow that commute must suck" and sometimes when the train is 20 minutes late and I'm waiting on a platform In the rain, it does. How ever this commute gives me over 6 hours a week to READ. In the last month and a half I read the following books, the intelligent investor, the four hour work week, the long tail, the 80/20 rule, dave Ramsey total money make over, the millionaire next door and about 1,000 pages of the new York times. I now know why new yorkers are thought of as intelligent and well read, it's not because we want to be it's because there is nothing else to do When you spend half your life on a train or a bus.  At the beginning of november I knew almost nothing about starting a small business and even less about my own financial situation.  now because of my reading I'm using excel to keep track of my cash flow,  im following the stock market and looking into buying Stocks and mutual funds, and on the hunt for a CPA so i can pay less taxes and see if a LLC or an s corporation will be the right choice for my future business. Hopefully all my reading will pay off and someday someone will ask "wear did u go to business school" and I'll say "LIRRU.... long island rail road university."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Am I Reading these days

i have no idea why my camera flipped the the words on the books, maybe like me the camera on my I mac has dyslexia. I don't know what's wrong with me lately all i have wanted to do is learn about loop holes of the rich... i used to be cool. 
maybe the camera flipped the words because it is trying to hide what lame books i read. Any way my business of trying to flim live shows has been going pretty well, i dream about maybe running a production company that films broadway plays. anyway im off to the PIT theater to go film "The Amish Guide to Fucking" Kurt Braunohler's new one man show.

E trade for t rock

Last night I watched about 20 web videos about the basics of buying stocks and checked out e-trade. I plan to open an account with them once I decide what stocks I want to buy. I also want to look at mutual funds that invest in India, china and maybe south Korea. I'm gonna wait for the market to dip before I buy anything. I also want to learn about how taxes work when I make money off stocks. Right now I'm looking at td bank and target and a few tech companies. I got to start editing weddings now so I can make money to buy some companies ya!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why are there ads on my blog

the reason i put ads on my blog is because i realized that posting on stuff on facebook is letting mark zuckerberg make money from my ideas instead of me. and after seeing the social network im afraid of mark zuckerberg.

OH yea i gots a blog

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This blog is about my thoughts and my goal of becoming rich while doing creative things. i have currently been listening to about 3 audio books about how to make my fortune, including the millionaire next door, the 80/20 rule and the intelligent investor. I'm pretty excited about the future and am saving up so i can start investing and starting my own businesses.